Создание Центрально-Азиатского климатического портала (CACIP)

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Samuel Stacey, Akmal Akramkhanov, Enrico Bonaiuti, Chandrashekhar Biradar, Simone Maffei. (16/9/2019). Создание Центрально-Азиатского климатического портала (CACIP).
The Regional Climate Information Platform will help policy-makers, academia, local communities and other stakeholders to access and analyze comprehensive and up-to-date public-domain data on climate change. This is expected to facilitate public-domain collection, sharing and maintenance of datasets relevant for climate assessment and decision-making. The platform will build on existing systems to collate, analyze, disseminate and use climate change relevant data from local, regional and global sources. It will offer interfaces and tools for data visualization, contextualization and interpretation to support analysis for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

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