Report on technologies and interventions tested to enhance small ruminant value chain performance in Pakistan

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Muhammad Islam, Abdul Razzaq. (30/4/2017). Report on technologies and interventions tested to enhance small ruminant value chain performance in Pakistan.
Agriculture is central to economic growth and development in Pakistan. The sector contributed 25.6 percent to GDP and livestock contributed approximately 55.9 percent to the agricultural value added (Govt. of Pakistan, 2013-14). The majority of the population, depends directly or indirectly, on the agricultural sector. Thus, livestock production is an integral part of the rural economy of Pakistan and affects employment opportunities and poverty in rural areas. Population growth, urbanization and increasing incomes are stimulating a substantial increase in the demand for animal source food, while also aggravating the competition between crops and livestock (increasing cropping areas and reducing rangelands). In this situation, the livestock industry is facing many challenges, among them changing climatic conditions with unpredictable weather patterns, rangeland degradation and mismanagement as well as reduced fodder production that directly affect feed availability and thereby livestock productivity.

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