Gender capacity assessment report on small ruminants value chain research and development partners in Ethiopia

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Annet Mulema, Wole Kinati, Shiferaw Tafesse. (15/10/2015). Gender capacity assessment report on small ruminants value chain research and development partners in Ethiopia. Nairobi, Kenya: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).
Between April and May, 2015, gender capacity assessment of research and development was conducted in Ethiopia using the capacity assessment guide and set of tools development by Transition International. The assessment was carried out in three selected small ruminant value chain (SR VC) woredas (districts) among the seven Livestock and Fish (LAF) target sites- Doyogene in SNNP region, Horro and Borena Yabello in Oromia region. The main objective of this assessment is to analyse the current gender capacities against desired future gender capacities of the LAF partners in Ethiopia and to subsequently design tailor-made capacity development interventions.

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