Managing rangelands: promoting native grass species: Stipa tenacissima: nurse species to initiate the process of ecosystem restoration

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Mounir Louhaichi, Mouldi Gamoun. (31/12/2017). Managing rangelands: promoting native grass species: Stipa tenacissima: nurse species to initiate the process of ecosystem restoration. Beirut, Lebanon: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).
Stipa tenacissima is a long-lived perennial grass that dominates the Mediterranean Basin steppe, covering more than 2.8 million ha and growing in almost all geomorphological units. The plant seems to prefer calcareous soils that are shallow and permeable with a very sandy texture. It does not adapt well to soils with gypsum, salt, clay, or loam content. Besides this, it is distributed within a wide range of bioclimates with great tolerance to temperature variations. Its optimal bioclimatic stages are arid superior and semi-arid lower.

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