Baseline characterization of the local stakeholders to promote the uptake of sustainable intensification of cereal-based farming system innovations in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Mali

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Joachim Binam, Catherine Dembele, Bougouna Sodoba, Adama Diakite, Arouna Bayoko. (30/11/2016). Baseline characterization of the local stakeholders to promote the uptake of sustainable intensification of cereal-based farming system innovations in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Mali. Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF).
This characterization study is carried out under the innovation platform work package and aims to: (1) identify and characterize the existing stakeholders involved in agricultural development, (2) assess the level of interaction among different stakeholders so that we identify gaps needed to be filled to better establish and strengthen institutional linkages and networks among different actors in the system in order to foster awareness and adoption of improved sustainable ntensification technologies as posited by the proponents of research for development (R4D) platforms.