Improving water and land productivity in rainfed systems

cg.contributor.centerInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDAen_US
cg.contributor.centerNational Institute of Agronomic Research Morocco - INRA Moroccoen_US
cg.contributor.crpCGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems - WLEen_US
cg.contributor.funderArab Fund for Economic and Social Development - AFESDen_US
cg.contributor.funderOPEC Fund for International Development - OFIDen_US
cg.contributor.funderInternational Fund for Agricultural Development - IFADen_US
cg.contributor.projectCommunication and Documentation Information Services (CODIS)en_US
cg.contributor.project-lead-instituteInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDAen_US
cg.coverage.regionNorthern Africaen_US
cg.creator.idOweis, Theib: 0000-0002-2003-4852en_US
cg.subject.agrovocclimate changeen_US
cg.subject.agrovoccrop improvementen_US
cg.subject.agrovocfarming systemsen_US
cg.subject.agrovocimpact assessmenten_US
cg.subject.agrovocland useen_US
cg.subject.agrovocland productivityen_US
cg.subject.agrovocwater-use efficiencyen_US
cg.subject.agrovocwater productivityen_US
dc.contributorOweis, Theiben_US
dc.contributorBahri, Abdeljabaren_US
dc.creatorKarrou, Mohammeden_US
dc.description.abstractClimate change has led to more severe conditions throughout the world as well as in Morocco. In general, rainfall has declined and average temperatures have increased. These new rainfall patterns are threatening water supplies. Fluctuations and reductions in annual rainfall have led to severe and frequent droughts throughout the Central and West Asia and North Africa region. Consequently, water resources have become scarce. Increasing municipal and industrial demand for water has resulted in steadily decreasing allocations for agriculture. The major agricultural use of water is for irrigation, which is therefore most affected by decreasing supplies. Therefore, innovations are needed to increase efficiency in the use of the water that is available. The main objective of the project is the adoption by farming communities of strategies and tested technologies that optimize the conjunctive use of rainwater and scarce water resources in supplemental irrigation systems for improved and sustainable water productivity in rainfed areas. This requires the development of technological, institutional and policy innovations, using an integrated and participative approach, which is the specific objective of the research activities conducted at the benchmark site in Morocco. The project started in 2004 with an overview of previous research and on-farm trials on irrigation water management and water-use efficiency in Morocco. This helped identify the potential technologies to be tested. Then, based on agreed criteria, the benchmark site at Tadla was chosen and characterized by analyzing existing bio-physical data together with socioeconomic information collected during meetings and two participatory workshops, at which farmers and farmers’ associations were the main participants. The participatory workshops also helped identify the two representative communities of the Tadla irrigated area and the group of farmers with whom the on-farm trials were conducted. Research, dissemination and capacity-building activities were conducted from 2004/05 to 2007/08. To test and evaluate new techniques and technologies that can improve water productivity under supplemental irrigation systems, various on-farm trials were conducted.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMohammed Karrou, Theib Oweis, Abdeljabar Bahri. (30/11/2011). Improving water and land productivity in rainfed systems. Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).en_US
dc.identifier.statusOpen accessen_US
dc.publisherInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)en_US
dc.subjectwater benchmarksen_US
dc.subjectrainfed systemsen_US
dc.titleImproving water and land productivity in rainfed systemsen_US
dc.typeInternal Reporten_US
