SWAT Modelling. Fine tuning data inputs and performing calibration. Training report
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Claudio Zucca. (31/12/2015). SWAT Modelling. Fine tuning data inputs and performing calibration. Training report.
The individual training session on “SWAT Modelling. Fine tuning data inputs and performing
calibration” was held from 24th to 29th of November 2015 at Icarda office in Amman, Jordan, as
part of the activities carried out by the CGIAR Research Program on Drylands Systems, North Africa
and West Asia Flagship, Agro-Pastoral System. This report is one of the outputs generated by the
Activity 6 - “Management of water scarcity”.
The training has been planned by Dr. Claudio Zucca in collaboration with IWLMP office staff Mrs.
Grace Baghdassarian. The workshop was led by Dr. Claudio Zucca and Dr. Stefan Strohmeier. Main
focus of the course was watershed scale modelling using SWAT software. The objective of the
training was to improve the capacities of the INRGREF PhD student Walid Ben Khélifa (Tunisia)
and support his modelling work, being conducted in one of the research sites of the Dryland System
Activity, located in semi-arid northern Tunisia (Sbaihia – Rmel watershed).
Final goal of the joint work was the preparation of a scientific article to be submitted to an
international journal in the coming months.
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Zucca, Claudio https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8636-0511