Effects of Feeding Improved Vs Traditional Roughages and Concentrates on Milk Production and Weight Gain of Pakistani Buffaloes and Cattle

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Imdad Hussain Mirza, Communication Team ICARDA. (10/12/2009). Effects of Feeding Improved Vs Traditional Roughages and Concentrates on Milk Production and Weight Gain of Pakistani Buffaloes and Cattle.
• Agriculture share in GDP 20.9% • Employs total work force 43.4% • Population engaged in Livestock raising is about 55 million • 87% of dairy animals (Cattle/Buffalo 30-35 million) are kept by small holders land less farms. • Foreign exchange earning from livestock sector Rs. 89221.2 million • The increase in milk and meat during precious years 10 is mainly because of increase in number of animals • It is thought that if we improve feed requirements of animals we can increase production on upto 50%.