مفصليات الأرجل في بيئة نخيل التمر: نظرة عامة
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Open access
Hamadttu Elshafie Eisa. (9/6/2022). مفصليات الأرجل في بيئة نخيل التمر: نظرة عامة.
"Arthropods in the date palm environment - an overview"
A lecture titled "Arthropods in the Date Palm" was the last presentation of the first day (an Overview"). The prevalence of insects and spiders noted as pests on palms in various locations was highlighted. The most significant pests and the most significant determinants of the intensity of infestation in palms were briefly emphasized. The most significant critical enemies that go together with the most significant palm pests were also mentioned. The document emphasized how pests in the date palm habitat are affected by climate change.