Community-based alternative breeding plans for indigenous sheep breeds in four agro-ecological zones of Ethiopia

cg.contributor.centerInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDAen_US
cg.contributor.centerInternational Livestock Research Institute - ILRIen_US
cg.contributor.centerFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAOen_US
cg.contributor.centerUniversity of Natural Resources and LIfe Science - BOKUen_US
cg.contributor.centerOromia Agricultural Research Institute, Bako Agricultural Research Center - IQQO - BARCen_US
cg.contributor.centerHawassa University, College of Agriculture - HU - CAen_US
cg.contributor.funderAustrian Development Agency - ADAen_US
cg.contributor.projectCommunication and Documentation Information Services (CODIS)en_US
cg.contributor.project-lead-instituteInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDAen_US
cg.coverage.regionEastern Africaen_US
cg.creator.idHaile, Aynalem: 0000-0001-5914-0487en_US
cg.creator.idRischkowsky, Barbara: 0000-0002-0035-471Xen_US
cg.creator.idMwai, Ally Okeyo: 0000-0003-2379-7801en_US
cg.isijournalISI Journalen_US
cg.journalJournal of Animal Breeding and Geneticsen_US
dc.contributorDuguma, Gemedaen_US
dc.contributorWillam, Alfonsen_US
dc.contributorWurzinger, Mariaen_US
dc.contributorHaile, Aynalemen_US
dc.contributorRischkowsky, Barbaraen_US
dc.contributorMwai, Ally Okeyoen_US
dc.contributorTibbo, Markosen_US
dc.contributorSölkner, Johannen_US
dc.creatorMirkena, Tadeleen_US
dc.description.abstractBased on the results of participatory approaches to define traits in the breeding objectives, four scenarios of ram selection and ram use were compared via deterministic modelling of breeding plans for community-based sheep breeding programmes in four diverse agro-ecological regions of Ethiopia. The regions (and production systems) were Afar (pastoral/agro-pastoral), Bonga and Horro (both mixed crop-livestock) and Menz (sheep-barley). The schemes or scenarios differed in terms of selection intensity and duration of ram use. The predicted genetic gains per year in yearling weight (kilograms) were comparable across the schemes but differed among the breeds and ranged from 0.399 to 0.440 in Afar, 0.813 to 0.894 in Bonga, 0.850 to 0.940 in Horro, and 0.616 to 0.699 in Menz. The genetic gains per year in number of lambs born per ewe bred ranged from 0.009 to 0.010 in both Bonga and Horro. The predicted genetic gain in the proportion of lambs weaned per ewe joined was nearly comparable in all breeds ranging from 0.008 to 0.011. The genetic gain per year in milk yield of Afar breed was in the order of 0.018 to 0.020 kg, while the genetic gain per generation for greasy fleece weight (kg) ranged from 0.016 to 0.024 in Menz. Generally, strong selection and shorter duration of ram use for breeding were the preferred options. The expected genetic gains are satisfactory but largely rely on accurate and continuous pedigree and performance recording.en_US
dc.identifier.citationTadele Mirkena, Gemeda Duguma, Alfons Willam, Maria Wurzinger, Aynalem Haile, Barbara Rischkowsky, Ally Okeyo Mwai, Markos Tibbo, Johann Sölkner. (15/10/2011). Community-based alternative breeding plans for indigenous sheep breeds in four agro-ecological zones of Ethiopia. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 129 (3), pp. 244-253.en_US
dc.identifier.statusTimeless limited accessen_US
dc.publisherWiley (12 months)en_US
dc.sourceJournal of Animal Breeding and Genetics;129,Pagination 244-253en_US
dc.subjectbreeding plansen_US
dc.subjectdeterministic modellingen_US
dc.titleCommunity-based alternative breeding plans for indigenous sheep breeds in four agro-ecological zones of Ethiopiaen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US
