Performance of Anatolian Merino and Akkaraman lambs fed triticale, Hungarian vetch or a mixture of the two forages

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Serkan Ates, Gurhan Keles, Fatma Inal, Ahmet Gunes, Mounir Louhaichi. (17/9/2013). Performance of Anatolian Merino and Akkaraman lambs fed triticale, Hungarian vetch or a mixture of the two forages. Sydney, Australia: David Michalk (Curator).
Forages from Hungarian vetch and triticale monocultures or mixtures that can be produced with relatively low cost are important feed sources for ruminants in spring particularly in the arid and semiarid regions. The feed intake and the response of different sheep breeds (Fraser et al. 2009) to forage resources that vary in feeding value may differ. Therefore it is critical to match forage to animal and crop production needs for more efficient production in integrated crop livestock farming system

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