The Food and Nutrition Security Policy for Zimbabwe in the Context of Economic Growth and Development

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The Food and Nutrition Security Policy for Zimbabwe in the Context of Economic Growth and Development.
Zimbabwe has committed itself to a number of global, regional and national policy frameworks. The Food and Nutrition Security Policy provides a practical way forward towards fulfilling at least five of these existing commitments. First, Zimbabwe is signatory to the legally binding International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). According to Article 11 of the ICESCR, every human being has the right to adequate food1 and the fundamental right to be free from hunger. Second, Zimbabwe is in the process of revising its Constitution. Submissions to the Committee responsible for revising the Constitution reaffirm the need to include a commitment on the right to food and adequate nutrition. Third, Zimbabwe is guided by overarching national planning policy documents such as the Medium Term Plan (MTP) (201015). Fourth, Zimbabwe has committed itself to achieving eight MDG Goals by 2015, articulated through 17 targets. Fifth, SADC Heads of State, including Zimbabwe, have recognized the importance of agriculture by endorsing the CAADP and its associated commitments.

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