2020 SKiM Learning Week - About CIHEAM-Bari
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Open access
Damiano Petruzzella. (1/7/2020). 2020 SKiM Learning Week - About CIHEAM-Bari.
Cooperation and research actions concern important issues such as food security, poverty alleviation, capacity building at institutional level, more efficient use of natural resources, improvement of agricultural production and productivity, promotion of organic farming, development of sustainable food systems, resilience to climate change, integrated management of coastal areas, gender empowerment, fisheries and aquaculture, etc.
The networking activities conducted by CIHEAM Bari involve hundreds of institutions located in several countries, consolidating professional contacts, institutional and multi-stakeholder partnerships, country-to-country relationships and joint initiatives with the private sector. This paves the way to self-generating exchange of information, technical and professional expertise, publications, innovative research and educational activities, conferences and seminars, harmonization of methodological guidelines, etc.