Screening of germplasm and elite lines for machine harvestability traits

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Shiv Kumar Agrawal, Fouad Maalouf, Somanagouda Patil, Aladdin Hamwieh. (30/12/2016). Screening of germplasm and elite lines for machine harvestability traits.
This report contains 7 activities associated mainly with mechanical harvestable traits. These activities are: (1) Evaluation of performance of lentil genotypes for machine harvestability; (2) Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) for traits to facilitate machine harvesting and other economically important traits (tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses) to improve crop yields in lentil; (3) Application of TiLLING approach for lentil crop improvement; (4) Generation advancement of lentil RIL population; (5) Screening of the chickpea genotypes and breeding lines for Fusarium wilt resistance in chickpea; Development of a new F2 population conferring Glyphosate tolerance in chickpea and segregating progenies for yield, mechanical harvestable traits and market class related traits in Faba bean. Major outputs are: 10 lentil lines with mechanical harvestable traits identified. Molecular markers associate with seed weight, plant height and seeds per pods in lentils were identified.

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