From goats and fiber to products and markets: Key moments in fiber production, harvesting, processing and marketing in Badakhshan Spring 2012

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Liba Brent. (27/9/2012). From goats and fiber to products and markets: Key moments in fiber production, harvesting, processing and marketing in Badakhshan Spring 2012.
Presentation highlights: a) 73 crossbred kids of Altai bucks produced in 2011. b) 122 crossbred kids produced in 2012* c) Some crossbred kids are starting to produce good fiber in a larger volume. d) The households are pleased with the results and want to continue breeding the best crossbred offspring and cull inferior bucks. e) The imported bucks are having a positive impact on the local flocks. Long‐term improvement in fiber volume & quality can be expected especially if the processing & marketing component succeeds and there is a sustained demand for combed cashgora fiber @$20/kg. a) 73 помесных козлят от алтайских козлов‐производителей 2011 года рождения. b) Завезенные козлы‐производители положительно влияют на местные поголовья. Ожидается долгосрочное повышение объема и качества волокна, особенно в случае успеха компонента по обработке и маркетингу и наличия устойчивого спроса на начесанное кашгорское волокно по $20 за кг.