Demonstration and evaluation of water harvesting and supplementary irrigation to improve agricultural production

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Erteban Wondifraw, Hanibal Lemma. (31/12/2015). Demonstration and evaluation of water harvesting and supplementary irrigation to improve agricultural production, in "Mitigating Land Degradation and Improving Livelihoods - An integrated watershed approach". New York, United States of America: Taylor & Francis (Routledge).
Cognizant of the fact that the adoption rates of many of the technologies generated so far have not been impressive., Gondar Agricultural Research Center (GARC) has carried out many participatory research and promotion activities with the general objective of improving the livelihood of the watershed community through introducing improved crop production technologies. The specific objectives of the activities were to demonstrate and evaluate crop technologies in target areas, to increase farmers’ productivity by introducing and adopting improved crop varieties and to enhance farmers’ and development agents’ technical capacity in crop production and management.