Yield and water use of eggplants (Solanum melongena L.) under full and deficit irrigation regimes

cg.contributor.centerInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDAen_US
cg.contributor.centerWageningen University & Research Centre - WURen_US
cg.contributor.centerLebanese Agricultural Research Institute - LARIen_US
cg.contributor.centerLebanese University - UL Lebanonen_US
cg.contributor.centerInternational Center for Higher Mediterranean Agricultural Studiesen_US
cg.contributor.funderInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDAen_US
cg.contributor.projectCommunication and Documentation Information Services (CODIS)en_US
cg.contributor.project-lead-instituteInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDAen_US
cg.coverage.regionWestern Asiaen_US
cg.isijournalISI Journalen_US
cg.journalAgricultural Water Managementen_US
cg.subject.agrovocwater productivityen_US
dc.contributorSaliba, Ramyen_US
dc.contributorEl_Skaf, Sleiman Badihen_US
dc.contributorBraidy, Joelleen_US
dc.contributorRouphael, Youssefen_US
dc.contributorBalendonck, J.en_US
dc.creatorKaram, Fadien_US
dc.description.abstractField experiments were conducted in 2008 and 2009 to determine the effects of deficit irrigation on yield and water use of field grown eggplants. A total of 8 irrigation treatments (four each year), which received different amounts of irrigation water, were evaluated. In 2008, deficit irrigation was applied at full vegetative growth (WS-V), pre-flowering (WS-F) and fruit ripening (WS-R), while in 2009 deficit irrigation was applied during the whole growing season at 80 (WS-80), 60 (WS-60) and 40% (WS-40) of field capacity. Deficit-irrigated treatments were in both years compared to a well irrigated control. Regular readings of soil water content (SWC) in 2008 and 2009 showed that average soil water deficit (SWD) in the control was around 30% of total available water (TAW) while in deficit-irrigated treatments it varied between 50 and 75% of TAW. In 2008, deficit irrigation reduced fruit fresh yield by 35, 25 and 33% in WS-V, WS-F and WS-R treatments, respectively, when compared to the control (33.0 t ha−1). However, the reduction in fresh yield in response to deficit irrigation was compensated by an increase in fruit mean weight. Results obtained in 2009 showed that fruit fresh yield in the control was 33.7 t ha−1, while it was 12, 39 and 60% less in WS-80, WS-60 and WS-40 treatments, respectively. On the other hand, fruit dry matter content and water productivity were found to increase significantly in both years in deficit-irrigated treatments. Applying deficit irrigation for 2 weeks prior to flowering (WS-F) resulted in water saving of the same magnitude of the WS-80 treatment, with the least yield reduction, making more water available to irrigate other crops, and thereby considered optimal strategies for drip-irrigated eggplants in the semi-arid climate of the central Bekaa Valley of Lebanon.en_US
dc.identifier.citationFadi Karam, Ramy Saliba, Sleiman Badih El_Skaf, Joelle Braidy, Youssef Rouphael, J. Balendonck. (30/5/2011). Yield and water use of eggplants (Solanum melongena L. ) under full and deficit irrigation regimes. Agricultural Water Management, 98 (8), pp. 1307-1316.en_US
dc.identifier.statusTimeless limited accessen_US
dc.publisherElsevier (12 months)en_US
dc.sourceAgricultural Water Management;98,(2011) Pagination 1307-1316en_US
dc.subjectdeficit irrigation timingen_US
dc.subjectdeficit irrigation intensityen_US
dc.subjectsoil water depletionen_US
dc.titleYield and water use of eggplants (Solanum melongena L.) under full and deficit irrigation regimesen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US
