Multilocation progeny tests of Diversified Dual-Purpose Populaiton for yield and adaptation
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Open access
Ignatius Angarawai. (29/1/2017). Multilocation progeny tests of Diversified Dual-Purpose Populaiton for yield and adaptation.
Sorghum plays an important role in the diets and economies of the people of Nigeria, where the average per capita annual consumption among smallholder farmers is more than 75 kg/person. However, since 2009, there has been a decline in its production in terms of area harvested and yields (FAOSTAT, 2012), attributable to the unavailability and dissemination of improved varieties and hybrids that are adapted to the Sudan and Sahel ecologies with low rainfall and Striga infestation. ICRISAT in collaboration with Institute for Agricultural Research Ahmadu Bello University (IAR/ABU), developed and evaluated sorghum varieties with farmer participatory evaluation across major sorghum growing ecologies during 2015 rainy season.