ICARDA-CAC 2016. Scalable innovations developed by CGIAR centers in Central Asia
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CAC Program. (1/1/2016). ICARDA-CAC 2016. Scalable innovations developed by CGIAR centers in Central Asia. Beirut, Lebanon: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).
Central Asia region is considered vulnerable to the processes of climate change, which could seriously affect food security in the region. The impact is likely to be significant in terms of more frequent epidemics of diseases, less water available for irrigation and more extreme events of rainfall and temperatures, especially the frost and heat problem. Recently released varieties of wheat, barley, chickpea, and other crops have shown better plasticity to the predicted changes of climate (see Box 1). In fact, the collaborative research activities conducted by ICARDA and other Centers of the Consortium to date have resulted in the release of more resistant varieties and development of various technologies and agricultural practices that lead to higher resilience. These are mapped into the five thrust areas, countries and research phases in the section (C) Innovations.