Origin of early maturing pigeonpea germplasm and its impact on adaptation and cropping systems

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Kulbhushan Saxena, Arbind Choudhary, Rakesh SRIVASTAVA, Abhishek Bohra, Rachit Saxena, Rajeev Varshney. (20/3/2019). Origin of early maturing pigeonpea germplasm and its impact on adaptation and cropping systems. Plant Breeding, 3(138), pp. 243-251.
Pigeonpea breeding activities started about a century ago and for decades only late maturing cultivars dominated the global cultivation. Historically, no early maturing cultivar was available for a very long time and breeding of such varieties started in the third quarter of 20th century but at a low key. From these efforts, some pigeonpea varieties maturing in 90–150 days were bred. Information gathered from various sources revealed that the first few early maturing genotypes originated through spontaneous mutations in the late maturing field‐grown landraces. In other cases, transgressive segregation and induced mutations also produced early maturing varieties. At present, the high yielding early maturing cultivars are contributing significantly towards widening the adaption barriers and in the diversification of some age‐old cropping systems. In this paper, the authors, besides discussing the importance of early maturing cultivars in present agricultural systems, also summarize information related to the origin of primary sources of earliness.

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