Improving Sorghum Productivity in Waterlogged Vertisols in North Gondar, Ethiopia.

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Nigus Demelash, Andreas Klik, Wondimu Bayu, Feras M. Ziadat, Stefan Strohmeier, Claudio Zucca. (1/6/2016). Improving Sorghum Productivity in Waterlogged Vertisols in North Gondar, Ethiopia.
Sorghum is a major crop in Vertisols of the North Gondar zone in Ethiopia. Due to waterlogging on these Vertisols, the crop may stay in the field for more than seven months and productivity is extremely low. Sorghum production here is facing a multitude of challenges including waterlogging, late season moisture shortages, and pest bird losses. The crop remains in the field alone after all other crops are harvested, exposing it to huge bird damages.

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