MSc Thesis Presentation on Exploring Crop Livestock Integration in Tunisian Sheep Cereal Systems

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Iris De Jonge, Jeroen Groot, Felix Bianchi, Aymen Frija, Santiago López Ridaura. (24/9/2020). MSc Thesis Presentation on Exploring Crop Livestock Integration in Tunisian Sheep Cereal Systems. Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen University & Research Centre (WUR).
This thesis presentation confirms the risk of degradation of N stocks in most of the farming systems in Zaghouan, North East Tunisia. Furthermore, it shows that integrating crops and livestock has potential for the improvement of profitability and sustainability of cereal-sheep farming in Zaghouan. The use of fodder mixtures is advised, as it can serve diversification, climate adaptability, integration and soil N and OM building. Furthermore, a slight increase in external input may benefit nutrient cycling in the system and thereby improve system sustainability. In order to improve CL integration and sustainability of production in Zaghouan, more research is needed to come to suitable technology packages for farmers.

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