Gender in decision making, access to and control over labor and extension services: A Perception survey in Mali
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Open access
Ademonla A. Djalalou-Dine Arinloye, Moussa Sacko, Mamadou Yoro Keita, Joachim Binam, Antoine Kalinganire, Patrice Savadogo, Jules Bayala. (25/1/2016). Gender in decision making, access to and control over labor and extension services: A Perception survey in Mali. Amman, Jordan: CRP on Dryland Systems (DS).
Mali, a country located at the heart of the West African region, has embarked on extension programs supported by research institutions and foreign mining companies since the years of independence. As part of the structural adjustment programs of the 1980s, the Government has gradually withdrawn from the agricultural sector, promoting the professionalization of farmers. This disengagement was marked by the implementation of macroeconomic and sector reforms, Government withdrawal from production and marketing activities, and the strengthening of the role of private operators in the sector and an improvement in the management of public agencies. Thus, a study was conducted on target groups as key stakeholders of agricultural and veterinary extension systems and women’s employment on the one hand, and producer organizations and households on the other hand. The objective is twofold: (i) to analyze gender equity in decision-making and access to and control over labor and resources; (ii) to provide scientific evidence on strategies to be undertaken to improve women’s access to and control over agricultural extension and veterinarian services.
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Savadogo, Patrice
Bayala, Jules
Bayala, Jules