Promotional activities for sheep fattening in Bonga: TV broadcasts in 2 Ethiopian languages, Amharic and Kaffa

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Jane Wamatu, Nahom Ephrem, Muluken Zeleke. (15/1/2019). Promotional activities for sheep fattening in Bonga: TV broadcasts in 2 Ethiopian languages, Amharic and Kaffa [n. Bonga Agri Cultural Res News 2011 E C]. On ICARDA and TAAT promoting improved sheep fattening technologies and practices in Bonga, Ethiopia.
TV program aired by Southern Radio and Television broadcasted in five Ethiopian languages Kaffigna, Chara, Nao, Mexenger, and Shakigna and in Amharic (the national language). TV program aired by Kaffa Tv in Ethiopian Kaffa language.

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