Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Team Video

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Roni Ziade (Producer), Victoria Clarke (Director), Laura Becker (Director), Enrico Bonaiuti (Director). (23/6/2021). Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Team Video. Lebanon: Roni Ziade (Executive Producer).
The Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Team video shares what the MEL Team does, its purpose and focus areas. From nurturing collaboration to sharing successes, the MEL Team works to ensure research and development projects know their impact through four main areas of work: monitoring evaluation and learning, knowledge management, data management and software development. In addition, the video presents the award-winning MEL platform following F.A.I.R principles for data for research for development and knowledge management, co-developed by ICARDA and other One CGIAR centers, providing multi-stakeholder collaboration and open access data sharing, helping users to collect, understand, visualize, and utilize data.

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