Tracking Adoption and Diffusion of Improved Chickpea Varieties at District, Zonal, Regional and National Levels in Ethiopia: Comparison of Various Approaches

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Chilot Yirga, Yigezu Yigezu, Aden A. Aw-Hassan. (31/12/2015). Tracking Adoption and Diffusion of Improved Chickpea Varieties at District, Zonal, Regional and National Levels in Ethiopia: Comparison of Various Approaches. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR).
Using several complementary data collection approaches including desk reviews, expert panel interviews, community and household sample survey, this study provides national, regional and zonal level estimates of adoption of improved chickpea verities in the country. It also explores the efficacy of alternative and yet cheaper and quicker techniques such as the estimation of adoption and diffusion through expert estimate involving breeds, extension agents and community surveys.


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