MART-AZR Project Research Report 27: Effect of the Flushing and Late-Gestation Supplementary Feeding on Fertility and Productivity of Harnai Ewes
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Atiq- ur-Rehman, Aro R. S, Asghar Ali, Sultani M. I. (2/3/1989). MART-AZR Project Research Report 27: Effect of the Flushing and Late-Gestation Supplementary Feeding on Fertility and Productivity of Harnai Ewes. Punjab, Pakistan: Arid Zone Research Institute**.
Eighty-one Harnai ewes grazing native range were used
in an experiment designed to examine the effect of flushing
and late-gestation supplementary feeding on ewe fertility
and productivity at Tomagh Range Livestock Research Station,
in Loralai district, Baluchistan. The animals were divided
into three groups of twenty-seven animals each. These
three groups were assigned three flushing treatments at
random: barley grain (300 g/head/d), cottonseed cake (100
g/head/d) and control (no supplementary feed) for six weeks.
On the 110th day from the start of breeding each of the
three main groups was divided into three sub-groups of nine
animals each. Three sub-groups of each main group were
randomly assigned to one of the three late-gestation
supplementary feed treatments: barley grain (300 g/head/d)
cottonseed cake (100 g/head/d) and no feed (control). The
results indicate that flushing had a significant (P<0.05)
effect on the maintenance of ewe body weights. Lategestation
supplementary feeding with barley grain also had a
significant (P<0.06) effect on the maintenance of ewe body
weights. Results of the study also suggest a fertility
rate response to flushing and a positive birth weight
response to late-gestation supplementary feed with
cottonseed cake.