Prospects for stakeholder cooperation in effective implementation of enhanced rangeland restoration techniques in southern Tunisia

cg.contributor.centerInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDAen_US
cg.contributor.centerArid Regions Institute - IRAen_US
cg.contributor.crpCGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets - PIMen_US
cg.contributor.crpCGIAR Research Program on Livestock Agri-Food Systems - Livestocken_US
cg.contributor.funderInternational Food Policy Research Institute - IFPRIen_US
cg.contributor.funderInternational Livestock Research Institute - ILRIen_US
cg.contributor.projectCGIAR Research Program on Livestock Agri-Food Systemsen_US
cg.contributor.project-lead-instituteInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDAen_US
cg.coverage.regionNorthern Africaen_US
cg.creator.idFrija, Aymen: 0000-0001-8379-9054en_US
cg.creator.idDhehibi, Boubaker: 0000-0003-3854-6669en_US
cg.isijournalISI Journalen_US
cg.journalRangeland Ecology & Managementen_US
cg.subject.agrovocstakeholder analysisen_US
dc.contributorFrija, Aymenen_US
dc.contributorDhehibi, Boubakeren_US
dc.contributorSghaier, Mariemen_US
dc.contributorSghaier, Mongien_US
dc.creatorFetoui, Mondheren_US
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this paper is to identify prospects for stakeholder cooperation for effective implementation of enhanced rangeland restoration techniques under different land tenure status in Tataouine Governorate of southern Tunisia, through the rest technique locally called “Gdel.” This technique consists of leaving a given rangeland at rest to reconstitute the plant cover. A stakeholder analysis was conducted using the MACTOR methodological framework to analyze stakeholders’ strategies and their balance of power in terms of rangeland management decisions, specifically regarding the implementation of resting, which involves a high level of collective action. Data collection was based on two focus group discussions with the nine main stakeholders involved directly and indirectly in Tunisian rangeland management. Stakeholders’ perceptions about resting are compared across private and collective land tenure systems. Findings show a wide diversity in stakeholder relationships, in terms of influences, dependencies, and balance of power, with differences between collective and private tenure systems. In private rangelands, equal levels of stakeholder influence and power lead to a much more stable and flexible rangeland restoration process, with more alliances and consensual objectives among almost all stakeholders. The situation in collective rangelands is very different because the majority of stakeholders have a weak influence in terms of management decisions, with fewer alliances and more conflictual objectives among them. Pathways for stakeholder cooperation and long-term empowerment are suggested for effective implementation of rangeland restoration techniques involving collective action.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMondher Fetoui, Aymen Frija, Boubaker Dhehibi, Mariem Sghaier, Mongi Sghaier. (4/1/2021). Prospects for stakeholder cooperation in effective implementation of enhanced rangeland restoration techniques in southern Tunisia. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 74, pp. 9-20.en_US
dc.identifier.statusOpen accessen_US
dc.publisherElsevier Incen_US
dc.sourceRangeland Ecology & Management;74,(2020) Pagination 9-20en_US
dc.subjectrangeland governanceen_US
dc.subjectsouthern tunisiaen_US
dc.subjectgdel resting techniqueen_US
dc.subjectland tenure systemen_US
dc.subjectmactor methoden_US
dc.titleProspects for stakeholder cooperation in effective implementation of enhanced rangeland restoration techniques in southern Tunisiaen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US
