Kazakhstan Activity 1: Livestock producers’ survey Sampling methods and information on the villages selected for sampling

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Communication Team ICARDA. (1/1/2011). Kazakhstan Activity 1: Livestock producers’ survey Sampling methods and information on the villages selected for sampling.
Factors including geographical territory, farm household typologies, farm organization type, mountain ecology, proximity to rangelands, and distance to livestock markets were considered for the determination of the villages for the formal socioeconomic survey. Lists of households, obtained from administrations in the selected villages, indicated that not all households keep small ruminants. To ensure that the eventual number of the filled questionnaires is not dramatically lower than the initially targeted 150 households at each site, the random sampling was conducted only from households keeping sheep and/or goats. Researchers collected the information on the livestock kept by the households from the local administration of districts/villages prior to conducting the survey. Household questionnaire was adapted and tested for local conditions by May 2008. Enumerators and researchers were trained by May 2008 (see Table1). Survey was conducted from June to August 2008.