RTB Potato Scaling Fund Project Completion Report: Scaling up and Adoption of Potato in Africa through Combining Market-driven, Climate Resilient, Novel Potato Varieties and Seed Systems Innovation

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Shadrack Nyawade. (31/12/2021). RTB Potato Scaling Fund Project Completion Report: Scaling up and Adoption of Potato in Africa through Combining Market-driven, Climate Resilient, Novel Potato Varieties and Seed Systems Innovation.
The International Potato Center and partner institutions through the scaling fund project endorsed the use of rooted apical cuttings (RAC) as a rapid seed multiplication technique to accelerate the scaling up and adoption of robust potato varieties in Kenya and Uganda. The project was implemented from the year 2017–2021 and aimed to reach at least 50,000 potato farmers with high-quality seeds of new varieties. A farmer group training model combining field demonstrations, seed distribution and knowledge exchange was adopted. Awareness creation through field days, national media, and agricultural shows formed a major component of RAC/variety dissemination. This was achieved through engagement of existing digital platforms such as use of short messages and the NPCK Viazi soko App, use of televisions and newspaper prints, as well as application of secondary sources of information and promotional campaigns e.g., distributions of variety catalogues, manuals, and information leaflets. The project mainstreamed gender and particularly paid attention to empower women and youths. An endline survey was carried out to determine farmers’ preferences and demand for new varieties and seeds.

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