Food and forage legumes of Ethiopia: Progress and Prospects

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Ali, Kemal; Kenneni, Gemechu; Ahmed, Seid; Malhotra, Rajendra; Beniwal, Surendra; Makkouk, Khaled; and Halila, M. H. (Eds). Food and Forage Legumes of Ethiopia: Progress and Prospects. Proceedings of the Workshop on Food and Forage Legume, 22-26 September 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Sponsors: EIAR and ICARDA. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Aleppo, Syria. 351 pp.
The workshop aimed to review the research and extension efforts in food legumes in Ethiopia over the past decade. It provided a unique opportunity for various stakeholders of food legumes in the country, including representatives of governmental and nongovernmental development organizations, scientists from research and higher learning institutions, CGIAR centers, and policymakers.

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