Scaling the Innovative Post-rainy Sorghum ‘Seed Consortium’ for higher adoption and impacts (VNMKV) Final Technical Report

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Ashok Kumar Are, Shivaji P. Mehtre. (28/1/2020). Scaling the Innovative Post-rainy Sorghum ‘Seed Consortium’ for higher adoption and impacts (VNMKV) Final Technical Report.
Based on the objective of the project, a group meeting was conducted with regional manager & District MSSC, Parbhani and farmers from Manoli, Gava village on 12/09/2018 at Sorghum Research Station, VNMKV, Parbhani. Certified seed production program of elite rabi sorghum cultivars i.e. Parbhani Shakti (PVK 1009) Parbhani Moti, Parbhani Jyoti and Phule Vasudha was also discussed. Progressive farmers of these villages were unable to undertake certified seed production program due to heavy drought, no receding soil moisture available in the month of Sept. 2018 for sowing hence seed production program could not be conducted. We have discussed such situations with our Director of Research, VNMKV, Parbhani. Accordingly, the certified / truthful seed production program had been conducted on university farm instead.

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