Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Platform: System Design & Architecture

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Aya Mousa, Bashar Ayyash, Mehtab Khan, Jalal Omary, Chandrashekhar Biradar, Patricia Bravo, Claudio Proietti, Percy Cabello, Moayad Al-Najdawi, Belal Mazlom, Enrico Bonaiuti, Valerio Graziano. (16/7/2016). Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Platform: System Design & Architecture. Amman, Jordan: CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems (DS).
The present document is designed to be open access and accessible to all stakeholders in order to increase customization and adaptation of different institutions partners of this initiative. As per CGIAR Policy8 the information products including codes and software should be accessible and use granted free of cost using appropriate licence ( This document is a living document and template; it shall be updated over the lifetime of iMMAP’s engagement with ICARDA as the system evolves. The document is used by all Partners7 customizing and developing the system in order to support broad understanding and report funds allocated for more efficient and effective Monitoring and Evaluation. It will serve as a guide to document the system and its evolution.

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