Study of heterosis and pollen fertility in CGMS based pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan(L.) Millspaugh] hybrids
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Sudhir Kumar, P. K. Singh, Rafat Sultana, Manoj Kanti Debnath, Chanda Venkata Sameer Kumar. (Accepted on 24/11/2015). Study of heterosis and pollen fertility in CGMS based pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan(L. ) Millspaugh] hybrids.
Twenty CGMS-based pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan(L.) Millspaugh] hybrids were synthesized manually by crossing five CMS lines (A lines) with
11 male lines (R lines) and these hybrids wereevaluated to studyyield potential with the performance of their R- lines. The results showed that the restoring
capacities of restorer linesare very important to quality seed production and for yield potential.Result from the study indicated thatmost of the R- line acts as
good restorer and it ranged from98.50% (ICPL 20108) to 59.22%(ICPL 2009.In present study most of the hybrids showed standard heterosis towards in
desirable direction for yield and yield contributing characters over the checks so these cross combination of parent may be exploited to developed the hybrid
in pigeonpea for obtaining higher grain yield.The range of standard heterosis over Asha for grain yield per plant was ranged from -13.06 (ICPA 2092 x ICPL
20123) to 40.91% (ICPA 2047 x ICPL 20126).