National preparatory workshop in Tunisia

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Taoufik Hermassi, Claudio Zucca, Quang Bao Le. (5/3/2019). National preparatory workshop in Tunisia.
The living lab approach underlying LANDSUPPORT activities is aimed at involving policy and decision makers and potential users from the very beginning and throughout all project phases, ensuring that the delivered DSS tools can actually be used. With this aim preparatory workshops bringing together policy makers in land management have been planned at EU/national/regional/local level. The outcomes of national and local workshops will feed into the EU workshop in order to ensure that local and national instances are brought forward at the EU level. Workshops have been conducted at two levels (national, regional) in Italy, Austria, and Hungary. In the case of Tunisia one unified workshop has been planned at the national level, also involving stakeholders from the study site region (Zaghouan Governorate). The key focus of the workshop was on understanding the elements that decision-makers take into account when they take decisions on land use management, thus verifying the assumptions behind the LANDSUPPORT tools

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