Gender Capacity Development of Research and Development Partners: Gender strategy (internal and external gender equity objectives) prepared by partner organizations during the GCD training workshops
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Gender Capacity Development of Research and Development Partners: Gender strategy (internal and external gender equity objectives) prepared by partner organizations during the GCD training workshops.
Research and development partners of the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock (CRP
Livestock) from Adiyo district, Bonga Agricultural Research Centre, Debre Berhan Agricultural Research
Centre, Menz Mama district and Menz Gera district were come together to be trained on gender
capacity on May 10, 2021. Similarly, another round of training brought together partners from Sekota
Agricultural Research Center, Ziquala and Abergelle districts in Sekota town from 20–24 May 2021.
In both training sites, research and development partners brainstormed gender-based
constraints in small ruminant value chains. During the training workshop, they identified what they
thought were the key gender related constraints in the small ruminant sector. Following the training
workshop, gender strategies (internal and external gender equity objectives) were developed as part of
the training workshop output by participating partner organizations. The gender strategies prepared by
the respective partners will be implemented as per the plans included in this report. Implementations of
the action plans will be monitored. This report outlines the strategies to address gender based specific
constraints as prepared by the partners.
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Kinati, Wole