Stove-For-Work: An Approach to Reduce Vulnerability to CC and Improve Livelihoods

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Bezaiet Dessalegn, Yonas Worku, Debra Turner. (28/2/2015). Stove-For-Work: An Approach to Reduce Vulnerability to CC and Improve Livelihoods. URL:
The adverse effects of environmental degradation are without a doubt predominantly faced by those whose livelihoods primarily depend on natural resources. Such is the case for over 85% of the Ethiopian people, who live in rural areas and rely on rainfed agriculture for their daily sustenance. With population growth increasing at an alarming rate, exploitation of natural resources is also rising rapidly (Bielli, et al. 2001). Reversal and containment of further degradation of natural resources are thus given high priority at the national level. For instance natural resource conservation and management through integrated development and utilization of land, soil, water and forest are the corner stones of the country’s National Conservation Strategies (1994), Rural Development policies (2003), and its 2011 Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy (CRGE).

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