Community Action in Integrated and Market Oriented Feed-Livestock Production in Central and South Asia Project. Activities 11, 14 & 15. Report No. 2. 2008

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Joaquin Pablo Mueller. (1/1/2011). Community Action in Integrated and Market Oriented Feed-Livestock Production in Central and South Asia Project. Activities 11, 14 & 15. Report No. 2. 2008.
In October 2007 three small ruminant community based breeding plans were developed and implemented: (1) meat sheep in Kyrgyzstan, (2) dairy sheep in Kyrgyzstan and (3) Mohair goats in Tajikistan. At present, end of 2008, the three breeding plans are active and produced the first progeny crop. In general all breeding plans are running as planned. Some useful adjustments were made. Data collection has also begun and some general production figures are available. The farms involved are also subject to improved management activities; furthermore some farmers are linked to processing and added value proposals (dairy and mohair). In what follows activities and recommendations for each plan are summarized.