Community Action in Integrated and Market Oriented Feed-Livestock Production in Central and South Asia Project_ Progress report on Theme 2 in Central Asia

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Aziz Nurbekov. (26/11/2009). Community Action in Integrated and Market Oriented Feed-Livestock Production in Central and South Asia Project_ Progress report on Theme 2 in Central Asia.
This presentation describes the results of work done in Central Asia a)Data collection for comprehensive survey finalized in three villages at each research site. b) An initial feed survey was showed that all of them store forage in the winter months. The initial estimation of this feed survey definitely indicates the need for practical techniques which clarify and demonstrate the concept of profitable grazing management.Overstocking of rangelands nearby settlements can decrease available feed resources in the region. It seems that the shortage of feeds and fodders will be a great challenge to the future livestock production in the project demonstration sites’ villages.