Report on Knowledge, Attitude, Practice (KAP) and Gender responsiveness of households in target provinces

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Srinivas Tavva, Yashpal Saharawat. (14/8/2016). Report on Knowledge, Attitude, Practice (KAP) and Gender responsiveness of households in target provinces.
The document reports the results of a survey undertaken to assess the knowledge, attitude and perceptions of households about project interventions and their likely influence on the correct technology adoption/practice in the target provinces.In a way, this survey can be used to identify needs/knowledge gaps, problems and barriers in program delivery, to assess communication processes and sources that are key to define effective activities as well as solutions for improving quality and accessibility of services. Purposive and multi-stage random sampling technique was adopted for the selection of sample of 560 households in equal proportions for rainfed and irrigated production systems from pre-selected eight districts in pre-identified provinces viz., Kabul, Logar and Parwan. Villages were selected covering villages where the project activities are implemented including nearby villages, which represent the directly accessible seed markets for the seed enterprises. Eighteen enumerators including National Coordinator and seventeen (Fifteen male and three female) project staff were trained on KAP Survey questionnaire on 1st September 2015 and initiated the survey in the first week of September. The results (detailed in the report) suggests there is a knowledge gap in correct practicing of good agricultural practices for 20-50% of hhs in different target provinces especially Kabul and Parwan. Also, Correct practice knowledge was reported by less than 10% hhs in all the three legume crops. Provincewise, hhs of Kabul and Parwan are less aware about good agricultural practices, low knowledge of how to use and correct practice compared to Logar. Furthermore, a huge knowledge gap -especially correct practice for all the three target vegetable crops- was identified in all the target provinces. None reported having any kind of knowledge in cultivating potato and onion using good agricultural practices in Logar province. With regard to knowledge possessed by hhs on good agricultural practices in cultivating food, fodder and vegetable crops, huge knowledge gap to the extent of 10-90% with differences across crops and provinces was recorded in the survey. However, it is interesting to note that more than 70% hhs have shown positive attitude and perception towards project activities. This is very much encouraging as it would have good influence on adoption decision making of household during project duration after noticing project outputs and outcomes as the project implementation progresses. It would be a good opportunity to make use of this positive attitude of hhs in the target provinces to improve the adoption of project interventions. From the gender responsiveness of hhs towards project activities, as anticipated in Afghanistan, male family member dominance was reported in the target provinces also. Therefore altogether a different strategy is to adopted to attain gender equity in the participation of project activities by discussing with community development councils, shuras, involving male member along with female family member in project activities, etc.

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