Nutrition-Related Dimensions of Agricultural Research at ICARDA
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Open access
Kutlu Somel. (1/10/1983). Nutrition-Related Dimensions of Agricultural Research at ICARDA. Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).
The International Center for Agricultural Research for the Dry Areas (ICARDA) is in Syria. Its headquarters are in Tel Hadya, a 948-ha farm 30 km south of Aleppo.
ICARDA was founded in 1977 and had its administrative headquarters in Beirut until all offices were moved to Tel Hadya in 1981. Aleppo province was chosen as the center of research activities because it is possible to observe different environmental conditions within the limits of an area covered by a 100km radius. For example, rainfall (long-term averages) reduces from 477 mm in the northwest at Jindiress near the Turkish border to 219 mm at Khanasser, 100 km to the southeast. Tel Hadya, in the middle averages 389 mm. Similar variation can be observed in soils, social conditions, etc. But, for rainfed agricultural production in the Middle East and North Africa, climatic variability is considered a crucial constrain. Hence, Aleppo province provides quite a suitable environment in which agricultural research for diverse rainfed conditions can be conducted.
Within the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), ICARDA currently has a regional mandate covering the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). This region extends from Pakistan to Morocco and from Turkey to Sudan. Crop wise, it has the world mandate to conducted research on barley, lentils, and Faba bean. On a regional basis, it conducts research on chickpeas in collaboration with the International Wheat and Maize Improvement Center (CIMMYT). ICARDA also conducts research in pasture and forage improvement as well as livestock management.
The salient characteristic of ICARDA is the adoption of the farming systems perspective in agricultural research. The Farming Systems Program (FSP) is quite active in research in Syria and internationally. FSP is involved in interdisciplinary research and within the multidisciplinary team of scientists in diverse fields as economics, agronomy, soil physics, soil chemistry, weed science, agro-climatology, microbiology, sociology, livestock science, and plant physiology are represented.
These research activities at ICARDA are organized along with four programs:
1. Farming Systems Program (FSP)
2. Cereals Improvement Program (CIP)
3. Food Legume Improvement Program (FLIP)
4. Pasture and Forage Improvement Program (PFLP)
In addition to these, there is a Genetic Resources Unit (GRU), computer center, a training center, a communications unit, and various laboratories and workshops.