Soil sorption of cesium on calcareous soils of Iran
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Rayehe Mirkhani, Mohammad Roozitalab, Saadollah Teimouri, Naser Khaleghpanah. (16/7/2013). Soil sorption of cesium on calcareous soils of Iran. Brisbane, Australia.
The adsorption behaviour of Cs on two selected calcareous soils (clay and silty clay loam) with contrasting
physical and chemical characteristics was studied by means of a batch method. Cs sorption characteristic was determined at 22.5±0.5 ◦C and in the presence of 0.01M CaCl2. Freundlich isotherms were found to fit well with experimental data for different levels of adsorbed Cs. Results shown that clayey soil adsorbed more Cs higher than soils having silty clay loam texture.