Evaluation of host-plant resistance in chickpea by microbial treatment.

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Rajendran Vijayabharathi. (1/2/2017). Evaluation of host-plant resistance in chickpea by microbial treatment.
Three chickpea endophytes AUR-2, AUR-4 and ARR-10 were found effective against B. cinerea in vitro conditions in the previous screening. Under controlled conditions (1500 Lux light intensity, 12 h/day; 100% RH, 15±2 °C Temperature), these isolates were tested for its efficacy on 3 Desi chickpea genotypes including susceptible (ICC4954), moderately resistant (ICCV05530) and nationally adapted cultivar (JG11) as individual and consortium. Commercially available Trichoderma (ECOSOM®-TH) is used as standard biological treatment. The 12 day study has designed to evaluate the disease incidence, anti-oxidant system and lignin deposition (Anuradha et al. 2011, Singh et al. 2013).

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