Geographic patterns of phenotypic diversity in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) landraces from North Eastern Ethiopia
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Haile Desmae, David Jordan, Ian Godwin. (18/8/2016). Geographic patterns of phenotypic diversity in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L. ) Moench) landraces from North Eastern Ethiopia. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 11 (33), pp. 3111-3122.
Understanding the pattern of genetic variability is an important component of germplasm collection and
conservation as well as the crop’s improvement process including the selection of parents for making
new genetic recombination. Nine hundred seventy four sorghum landraces from North Eastern (NE)
Ethiopia were evaluated for agro-morphologic characters to assess geographic patterns of phenotypic
diversity and to identify whether there are specific areas of high diversity for particular traits. The
Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H′) for qualitative traits ranged from 0.30 to 0.93 (mean = 0.67) for
grain covering and grain color, respectively. The landraces also displayed highly significant differences
(p<0.01) for all the quantitative traits with days to flowering ranging from 64 to 157 days (range = 93),
days to maturity from 118 to 215 (range=97) days, plant height from 115 to 478 cm; 1000-seeds weight
from 18 to 73 g, and grain number from 362 to 9623. The first five principal component axes captured
71% of the total variation with days to flowering and maturity, leaf number and length, panicle weight,
grain weight and number per panicle, panicle length, length of primary branches, 1000-seeds weight
and internode length accounting for most of the variability. Cluster analysis grouped the landraces into
ten clusters. The clustering of zones and districts revealed close relationship between geographic
locations based on proximities and agro-ecological similarities. Differentiation analysis showed that
most of the landraces variability was within rather than between geographic origins of the landraces,
indicating weak genetic differentiation among landraces from predefined geographic origins such as
political administrative zones and districts. The weak differentiation might be due to frequent gene flow
across the study area because of seed exchanges among farmers.
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Desmae, Haile