Managing Agro-pastoral Rangelands’ biodiversity activity

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Mariana Yazbek. (11/2/2015). Managing Agro-pastoral Rangelands’ biodiversity activity.
The cropping systems of Zoghmar community have many constraints and the main ones recorded are: degradation of natural range land, limitation of local feed resources and bad crop management practices (dominance of barley monoculture under dry land, under use of legumes, bad choices of varieties and adapted species, unavailability of seeds, no convenient rotations even under irrigation). So, in order to enhance sustainability of these systems and crop livestock integration, some activities were proposed such as: a) Update the inventory of local forage and pastures legumes genetic resources b) Trial adaptation of new cultivars and species of forages legumes and seed increase of local interesting material c) Implementation of on farm seed multiplication unit in order to enhance the use of promising lines and/or ecotypes d) Assessing the performance of major pasture and forage species (seed collection and multiplication).

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