CRP Dryland Systems - CIP - 2015 Technical and Financial Report - Final
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Roberto Quiroz, Victor Mares, Mohinder Kadian, Sushma Arya, Amalia Lanatta. (31/12/2015). CRP Dryland Systems - CIP - 2015 Technical and Financial Report - Final.
CIP 2015 Annual report presents main contribution to the CRP on Dryland Systems along with the agreed activites: 1) The characterization of farming systems, natural resources, gender roles and social systems in the sites; 2) Introduction of potato as a high value crop in the dry agro-ecologies of the sites as an innovation to improve household incomes, enhance food security, and promote women participation in farming activities and processing of produce with the aim of generating gender equity; 3) Testing of water saving and cultivation technologies to improve water use efficiency and reduce labour costs; 4) Development of a potato value chain by integrating different actors (farmers, public agents, private companies and NGOs) into an innovation platform in the area. 2015 Achievements are: 1) Potato was successfully introduced into cereal based system in 30 sample farms in non-traditional potato growing dry sites in Jodhpur and Jaislamer districts in Rajasthan as a means of enhancing smallholder’s family income and food security; 2) Family income will be increased by 20% in 30 households by cultivating potato in cereal based systems; 3) Sprinkler irrigation is being successfully tested on potato cultivation, allowing for a 40% reduction in water utilization; 4) A value chain scheme for potato has been established and five farmers signed a contract farming agreement with PepsiCo and their income is expected to increase by 25% due to a fixed farm gate price to be paid for produce.
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Quiroz, Roberto