Technical Report Livestock And Climate Change: Assessment Of Emissions, Mitigation Options And Adaptation Strategies

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Maite Aguinaco. (30/4/2019). Technical Report Livestock And Climate Change: Assessment Of Emissions, Mitigation Options And Adaptation Strategies.
While Mediterranean livestock are particularly vulnerable to climate change, the livestock sector is responsible for about 14.5% of anthropogenic GHG emissions worldwide. There is a challenge in developing complementary adaptation and mitigation strategies for the sector, in accordance with the Paris Agreement on climate change and Sustainable Development Goals. Livestock hold a particularly high potential in the region to enhance food security whilst mitigating emissions in a changing climate. However, understanding GHG emission sources from biogenic processes within complex production systems is critical to develop effective strategies. For example, feed and forage production represent nearly half of the emissions from livestock at global level and strongly influence enteric methane and manure emissions. At the same time, the same feed and forage production is threatened by the effects of climate change (e.g. drought) and there is a strong need to build long term resilience. This course will provide knowledge on the processes underlying GHG emissions and soil carbon sinks (according to the 4 per 1000 target), measuring methodologies and modelling tools in livestock systems. Methods for national GHG invent rie . and mitigation options analysis, including socio-economic assessment, will be presented. Adaptation strategies will be reviewed and synergies with mitigation strategies will be explored. Practical work based on real case studies in Mediterranean conditions will also be undertaken.
